Yeah looks like the UK ID card policy got the go ahead from parliament last week. It's a ridiclulous waste of time and money.
All the info that's going to be on the card is already held by various govnm't departments anyway! Passport agency, DVLA, HMRC, DSS etc etc
Having all that info centralised with you carrying a plastic card with all your identity details on it presents a massive security risk. The passport agency and DVLA are intoducing biometrics anyway so I'm not sure what these ID cards are for.
I'm still unsure why you would need a plastic card with info of your iris and fingerprints - I tend to carry my eyes and fingers around with me anyway.
Some people have said if you have nothing to hide what's your problem with it. It's not that people have anything to hide it's just that it's not a very good idea and doesn't solve the problems the govnm't says it will.
I've worked as an IT consultant with the civil service including NHS Excecutive, NHS Direct, Housing & Regeneration Dept, DWP, Regional Development Agencies and most big IT projects are mismanaged, over budget and over time.